My work is a meditative response to the rhythms and silences of the natural world, distilled through my time immersed in Iceland's sub-zero landscapes. In this environment, where the cold stills the air and time feels suspended, I am compelled to simplify my marks, reducing them to their essence while retaining an emotional intensity.


    Working in graphite, charcoal, and ink, I embraced found materials, sand, basalt, and snow, to create ephemeral performance paintings on raw canvas. These works, destroyed by the elements, became catalysts for further exploration in the studio. The juxtaposition of the environment’s slow, deliberate pace with the urgency of human instinct to act swiftly shapes my artwork.


    In my oil paintings, I seek a delicate equilibrium, using gravity, repetition, and excavation to create surfaces that resonate with rhythm and depth. Layers of paint are applied and stripped back, revealing an archaeology of the creation process. Dotted marks emerge as a recurring motif, forming visual meditations that echo the patterns of nature. A limited palette, grounded in variations of white, speaks to the purity of form and light I encountered in Iceland’s stark landscapes.


    As an artist, I am continually drawn to the interplay between inner and outer landscapes. Each painting is a meditation on balance, fragility, and resilience, rooted in the timeless rhythms of the natural world and my own emotional continuum.


    "I remember walking through 1 metre deep snow - the sound of my heavy body making a repetitive dull hum that was swallowed immediately by the quiet.

    Everywhere was white - I was surrounded by the most sublime vista. I couldn't quite grasp what I was feeling. It felt like every atom was vibrating at the same frequency.

    I turned a corner and there she lay - Nature in all her divine glory - laid bare, menacing, beautiful and deadly present".